Internal transportation

DHL chooses Speed Control.
On their site in St Barthélémy d'Anjou, we solved several safety issues by introducing Speed Control. The principle of color detection allows various actions to be performed on a machine.
When recognizing a first color code (green/red) let's slow down the lift truck if it enters an area with other lift trucks or pedestrians.
When driving past a second color code (light blue/dark blue), a PROXY SL tag is activated that signals the terminal that a vehicle is approaching.
In this case, the introduction of several relays was a decisive advantage. In addition, the easy implementation of our solution played a decisive role in the choice of Speed Control.

Location problem:
At Decra Icopal they were looking for a speed zoning solution. In their warehouse, forklift trucks have to drive under an aisle where there is little space.
Our solution:
With our Speed Control system we were able to help Decra Icopal. With a color code on the ground, we can prevent the forklift from slowing down before it has to drive through the narrow passage. For example, the driver has time to check whether the mast is retracted. In addition, it is also safer to drive through the narrow passage at a slower speed. After the passage, the forklift accelerates again upon detecting the color code.

Location problem:
The company Bemis was looking for different safety solutions. They want a safe environment to create for all their employees. Dit vooral in zones waar er zich meerdere heftrucks bevinden of een zone met voetgangers.
Our solution:
In zones with multiple lift trucks and/or pedestrians , we have implemented our 'Speed Control' solution. This ensures that the forklift slows down from 8 km/h to 4 km/h when passing a color code on the floor. To warn both the other lift trucks and pedestrians that a lift truck is approaching, we have provided a second safety solution at Bemis. Namely our Red Spot and Red Line. The Red Spot is an alternative to the already known Blue Spot. This warns surrounding drivers and pedestrians of a forklift truck. The Red Line demarcates an area around the lift truck so that pedestrians can clearly see where it is safe for their om the lift truck to pass. These safety solutions ensure fewer accidents and increased safety.

Location problem:
Fiber Glass was looking for an application of speed zoning. They have certain zones where you have to switch to a lower speed because there are other lift trucks and pedestrians in that zone.
Our solution:
We presented our Speed Control solution for Fiber Glass. This was the best solution for slowing down the speed of the lift trucks in certain zones. This solution is accurate to within 10 cm. The switch from fast to slow is automatic when passing a color code (e.g. green-red) on de ground. When the lift truck passes the color code again but in reverse order (red-green) the truck automatically accelerates again.

Location problem:
At the production unit in Etalle near Verviers, we were asked to replace their existing speed zoning system. They were not entirely happy with this and the old system was easy to bypass. In addition, they also asked us for a system of access control with shock detection.
Our solution:
For the latter, we have proposed our ESKM3. This system offers the possibility to start "easy" and over time to expand_the system like for example with communication with radio, wifi or GPRS.
We also work here with a badge. This can be a badge that we supply or an existing badge from the customer. Our manufacturer masters the most current standards in this area.
Our partner had offered the Proxy Truck solution for speed zoning. Echter a site visit soon taught us that this would not be usable. The requested precision in a very large open space would not be achievable with the Proxy Truck.
We then introduced the brand new Speed Control . It works on the basis of color recognition on the floor. In addition to speed reduction, this system can also be used to activate a horn or a flashing light, for example. Or a warning if, for example , the forks are extended too high and a gate or passage is approached that would not fit under it.
Both of our speed zoning systems have the great advantage that they can also handle a fast/slow situation INSIDE a building. Other systems can only do this in outdoor/indoor situations.

Location problem:
Sea-Invest came to us to find a solution for Tropicana. Tropicana wants to increase safety in their warehouse by limiting the speed of their forklift trucks in certain zones.
Our solution:
At Tropicana they wanted to introduce an automatic speed limit for their lift trucks in four different zones. We have achieved this with our Proxy Truck speed zoning system. This system works with a receiver and tags that communicate via radio waves. When the tag comes close to the receiver, an action is triggered, in this case an automatic speed reduction from 12km/h to 8km/h.

Location problem:
SAPA approached us with various questions. They were looking for a reversing camera and they were also looking for a solution in the field of speed zoning.
Our solution:
We havesolved their demand for a solution with speed zoning with our Proxy truck. We have thus set up a low speed zone. In addition, the Proxy SL beacon and speaker at some crossings warn pedestrians of approaching forklift trucks. They therefore only work when a forklift truck is approaching.
In the zones where their ovens are located, we have introduced a low speed zone. When the ovens are open, because need to be filled, this low speed zone is overruled to speed up the filling process. Thanks to our tailor-made solution, SAPA can now drive slowly when the oven door is closed and drive faster when the oven needs to be filled.
In addition, SAPA now uses our vision solutions namely our reversing camera. This camera ensures that the blind spots become visible. It uses a 2-in-1 display and detects movement. This ensures increased safety.

Location problem:
Foamglas came to us with various safety questions. They were looking for a secure solution for speed zoning and a vision solution for reversing. Their forklifts travel backwards almost as much as they do forwards.
Our solution:
Many accidents can occur while reversing a forklift truck. That is why our vision solution of our reversing camera system is an ideal solution. In this way, the driver of the forklift gets a clear picture of what is happening behind him. In addition, the camera also detects movement. We have installed our reversing camera system on all of their lift trucks.
In addition, we have our Proxytruck system for their request for a solution for speed zoning. This system works with tags. We are preventively reducing the speed of the forklift trucks in various zones spread (and therefore within) the huge building.

Location problem:
Premium Sound Solutions came to us because they were looking for a speed zoning solution. In addition, they needed warnings at various places in their warehouse.
Our solution:
Our Proxy Truck was the ideal solution for these two questions, because the Proxy Truck can manage both. When a tractor enters the production hall of Premium Sound Solutions, they want to slow down its speed. The Poxytruck sends a signal out to a tag on the trigger that will automatically perform this action.
In addition, we have their request for warnings also solved with the Proxy SL beacon. In three different places in the corridors between de production machines, a beacon is activated as soon as a tractor approaches.